Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Crossing Flatbush Avenue - Svetlana Cozmit

Svetlana Cozmit is one of my best friends. She emigrated from Moldova a few years ago. Today she already has A.A.S. in Accounting. Svetlana graduated with Honors from Kingsborough Community College. She is a student at Brooklyn College, working on her B.A. in Accounting. Svetlana is smart, intelligent, hard working and these qualities make her achieve her goals.

I was born in Chisinau, Moldova. I have lived in the USA since February 2005. I immigrated here with my parents and my younger brother. My grandmother, my aunt and her husband still live in Moldova. I work as a teller in Chase bank. When I am not working, I am attending college. If I still have some time left, I like to spend it with my family and friends.
I came to the USA with my family because my mother won a Green Card Lottery. Life in Moldova is hard; there are not many opportunities for good future. That’s why we decided to try to immigrate to another country.
Before coming to the USA, I saw and heard a lot about this country. I saw it on the TV, and heard from other people. I was expecting the life to be easier than in my country. I knew that if you study, there is a good future for you in the USA. I was expecting that at first it will be hard for me and my family to adapt to this country. My life here is mostly how I expected. What I didn’t expect, that the lime here is running very fast, and there is almost no time for personal life.
At first, I had difficulties to understand other people’s English. Now I am very comfortable using English. Sometimes I even forget how to say a certain word in my native language. I still use my native language at home, with my family and friends.
Since I came to the USA, my lifestyle changed completely. Every day is the same: home-college/work-home. I am very lucky if I get a chance to go out with my family or friends. This made me value my loved ones more, because it is not that often when I can spend time with them.
I didn’t become a US citizen yet, but I will apply in November this year. I don’t think of myself as American yet. Maybe it’s because I was not born here, and 20 years of my life I spent in my native country; but partially I think I am, because I have to work hard to get something.
I believe my immigration experience is very common. Every immigrant faces a lot of difficulties at first. They have to adapt to the new country, learn its traditions and rules and more.
Even though I live in the US, I never forget where I came from. I still get in touch with my relatives and friends from my native country. And I want my future children to remember their roots.
In ten years I see myself living in another state with a lovely family and having a good job that will bring me satisfaction and stability. That’s what I am working on now.
My experience is a challenge. I think challenge is good, because it makes you stronger, and more able to achieve your goals.

1 comment:

  1. Svetlana has an analytical mind, many men would envy her ability.
