Monday, December 7, 2009

Joebell and America

As promised....

What is "Wappie?" A gambling card game. This is played with the 52 cards in the pack. before betting players have to decide which card they are going to bet on. In this case Joebell decided he will bet on Jack while Ram the other player betted on trey which is three in the pack. As my father said you either know your cards very well or just blind lucky if you can get a repeat of the jack like how Joebell kept on winning. There are only 4 Jacks in the pack, just like there are only 4 threes 'treys' Joebell method of winning is to say that any of the jacks will come out of the pack before any three. Blind luck.
One thing you can say about Trinidadians, they will try a trick on you and will laugh the more if they get through with it. Its just their way. Joebell like any hard worker, down to earth, done care West Indian is a born hustler. They know how to hustle people out of their money, and know how to run a game on them. You have to live in the country to see how it really works. A man could be hustling you on the sidewalks for your money through a quick card game, and as soon a he hears that the police is coming the card game is over and the table is used to sell unsaleable items until the police has passes, that's to tell you how slick 'Trinis'are.
One thing for sure, if Joebell had gotten the okay from the immigration officers to go to America, he would have laugh to see how he tricked the officer and later it would have been a hot topic back in Trinidad how Joebell got to America by posing as someone else and how he tricked the officers in Puerto Rico. Maybe calypsos would have been sung about his trickery, because everything for 'Trinis' can be made into calypsos.

Just a little on Joebell and his trickery and also a little about Trinidadians.



  1. Thanks for clearing that up. I was kind of lost reading this story. Its so sad at the end I wish he would have made it to America.

  2. This is the best story out of the stories we have read. The only thing I did not like was the ending because he had to return to his country. Jobell should of stood in Venezuela with his brother, who had a job for him. He should of stood because he has someone to help him out and he can learn a new language which is not that had since he already knows French (somewhat similar to Spanish). He can send money back home and even send for his girlfriend. Venezuela is a lovely country and is sad that he has to go back and live in the hell he was living again. The good thing is that he left the airport singing(so sad but funny).
    Enjoyed it.. Good one Prof Davis!
